Empower Your Pet

Gold Standard Herbs

Game Changing Supplements

Gold Standard takes the guesswork out of healing your pet
Many supplements only treat single symptoms, so people have to use a lot of them. “Game Changing Supplements”, per leading holistic veterinarian Dr. Steve Marsden, address all the important mechanisms for a problem, making them the only supplement you often need. To find our Game Changers we searched out are formulas used successfully for thousands of years, then figured out how you'd use them today. We made minimal changes to them, so they remain just as effective. Despite their ancient origins, we understand our products in scientific terms. When your pet gets better with our supplements, you know why. You have the knowledge to stop the problem ever coming back.

Our Origin Story

Holistic veterinarians tease out the mechanisms behind chronic problems and then prescribe herbal formulas to address them. Famed holistic veterinarian Dr. Steve Marsden was donating his time doing just that for San Diego senior dog rescues a few years ago to try to reduce their vet bills. Senior dog rescuers have hearts of gold, taking in as many elderly homeless dogs as possible and getting them the care they need, but the costs of that care can be enormous. Dr. Steve reasoned that if he could use holistic medicine to save them money, rescuers would have more money to help homeless pets. The top concerns of the rescues were allergies, GI upset, pancreatitis, lameness and stress. To treat them, Dr. Steve found he was always reaching for the same prescriptions. He decided to create versions tailored to the needs of the rescues, so they could use them without Dr. Steve’s help. The result was the vet bills were cut in half! (see Reviews, below). Since many pet owners struggle with the same issues in their own pets, but don’t have access to a holistic veterinarian, it made sense to Dr. Steve to offer these same formulas directly to the general public. And just like that, Gold Standard was born. These formulas will never replace the need for holistic veterinarians, but if we can help even a fraction of the animals out there, we've done a lot of good in the world.

What's Inside?

Human-grade ingredients for pet peeves
We favour whole herb extracts, because studies show that the synergy among all the ingredients makes formulas more effective than selecting for just one or two of them. All our herbs are grown from seed under optimal conditions to be harvested at the peak of quality. At FDA-inspected and -registered facilities, they are decocted, dried and blended to our specifications using GMP practices. The result is a collection of concentrated human-grade extracts, used for centuries in people, but now benefiting animals as well.

Success Stories

”Our senior rescue dogs are living longer more quality lives thanks to Gold Standard . Their formulas for cognitive dysfunction, arthritis, pancreatitis, and allergies have been a true gift to our senior sweeties and we can't wait for others to see their pets thrive on them too!”
Laura Oliver, Lionel's Legacy
Laura Oliver, Lionel's Legacy
”Our senior rescue dogs are living longer more quality lives thanks to Gold Standard . Their formulas for cognitive dysfunction, arthritis, pancreatitis, and allergies have been a true gift to our senior sweeties and we can't wait for others to see their pets thrive on them too!”
”Our family is so happy that we found a holistic treatment plan that is easy to maintain and has made such a profound difference in our pets' well-being. If you are hesitant to try Gold Standard Herbs, do yourself and your pet the favor and take that leap”
Suzy Clayton, San Diego Humane Society
Suzy Clayton, San Diego Humane Society
”Our family is so happy that we found a holistic treatment plan that is easy to maintain and has made such a profound difference in our pets' well-being. If you are hesitant to try Gold Standard Herbs, do yourself and your pet the favor and take that leap”
My sweet little foster dog Bissmar became completely paralyzed. Conventional treatments made no difference. We tried Gold Standard Herbs, chiropractic and acupuncture. The day after starting herbs he started moving his legs! Four more months and he was running! We are so happy!
Lina Wang
Lina Wang
My sweet little foster dog Bissmar became completely paralyzed. Conventional treatments made no difference. We tried Gold Standard Herbs, chiropractic and acupuncture. The day after starting herbs he started moving his legs! Four more months and he was running! We are so happy!

See for Yourself

Free independent detailed advice
We get you. We know you need to know what you're doing is likely to work and to integrate with what you're already doing. You want free specific accessible independent advice so you can make solid decisions on integrated protocols. You'll be happy to know, Dr. Steve has your back. He provides free detailed information that is growing all the time on how you can use these and other treatments to help your pet. Check out: • https://askdrstevedvm.com • Ask Dr. Steve DVM YouTube channel • Ask Dr Steve DVM Facebook page On the Facebook page, you can join his community to interact in real time with people who have used our products so you can confirm they are a good fit for you. Many of these users have provided the detailed testimonials below the descriptions of the products in our store.

Helpful Heroes

Laura Oliver
We owe a huge debt of gratitude to Laura Oliver of Lionel's Legacy, for allowing us to try to lower her vet bills and improve the quality of life of her senior rescues.
Suzy Clayton
Staff members like Suzy Clayton of the San Diego Humane Society have allowed us to help their own pets and have spread the word of their successes with their Rescue Partners.
Sarah MacKeigan
Sarah MacKeigan of Upward Dog Rehab and Wellness is a well-known Canadian physiotherapist and canine rehab therapist with a special interest in treating canine neurologic conditions. She plays a central role in finding and communicating means to manage degenerative myelopathy, the "canine version of ALS". She provides online education to both dog parents and professionals.

Delivery and Returns

We've got your back
We sell online. Shipping is free and by USPS in the US. Once you’ve placed your order, it will likely go out the same day. If you change your mind, we offer a full refund for unopened bottles purchased within the last 60 days. Just mail to the address below. No one can guarantee a product will work so we are committed to offering them to you at the lowest possible price. Our herbs work consistently enough that holistic veterinarians have come to rely on them as a way to help more people more quickly for less money. May they work the same for you!


How do I give the herbs to my pet?
We always shake ours up with a little kefir or broth and just pour it over the food. You can also try sprinkling the herbs right on the food, mixing them into peanut butter or ground meat, or even putting them in gelatin capsules
What's in the natural flavouring?
It's a hypoallergenic hydrolyzed vegetable protein. If you're not into it, we have a non-flavoured version
How often do I give the herbs?
We'd suggest twice a day to start with. If things are going great, with all problems resolved, you can start seeking the lowest required dose, such as just once a day
How long to see results?
Usually we expect the first improvements within two to three weeks. If you don't see anything at all by then, it may not be right for your pet. How long it takes to get complete resolution is up to your pet. It helps speed things along if you're feeding a real food diet and using probiotics
Are there side effects?
These are safe hypoallergenic products. Any GI upset referable to the herbs should disappear within 24 hours of stopping use. If the signs persist, the symptoms are from something else. To test tolerance in your pet, start with half doses
Can they be used with drugs or other supplements?
Our products are safe to combine with any other medications and supplements
Can the products be used long term?
Our products are safe for long term use. If things go well, we'd recommend seeking the lowest required dose to keep things that way
How much do I give?
Start with the doses below twice daily. To increase any benefits, they can be safely doubled • Up to 15 pounds: 1/8 tsp • 15 to 40 pounds: 1/4 tsp • 40 to 70 pounds: 1/2 tsp • 70 to 110 pounds: 3/4 tsp • Over 110 pounds: 1 tsp


Someone is getting no sleep!

Contact Us

Maybe you’re a retailer, distributor or veterinary clinic who would like to carry our line for your customers. Maybe you still have some questions about whether a product is a good fit for your pet. Whatever the question, just call or email us. Email is usually better and allows us to sometimes tap the mind of Dr. Steve before replying.
Mailing Address
5580 La Jolla Boulevard, Suite 160, La Jolla, CA 92037
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